I want to use ESP32 C2 and C3’s in various projects where they are much more easily integrated if they’re vertical. I spent a number of months designing what I wanted in EasyEDA, and then had JLCPCB manufacture them and a stencil to go with it.
There was no sponsorship here, and I actually recorded this video over six months ago, am just working on a backlog!
The next three videos will cover the assembly and testing, then design improvements, and then the next revision. I expect to get all of the videos out by the end of July, but we’ll see.
As mentioned, I’m giving three of these away. Leave some ideas in the comments and I’ll pick three and message you. If I don’t hear back from someone within a week, I’ll try someone else.
Note that as mentioned it’s currently PCBWay’s 9th birthday and they have HEAPS of promotions on, including discounts, freebies, and sponsorship for NFP projects, check it out now at https://www.pcbway.com/activity/anniversary9sales.html
Hackster Project: https://www.hackster.io/platimatinkers/esp32-cx-riser-board-c0f530
Github Repo: https://github.com/platima/ESP32-CX-Riser
On to the Video
Or click here to watch it on youtube.com